Our Hampers
Celebrate the warmth of this Festive Season with your Family and your loved ones
Our beautifully crafted range of hampers are sure to impress for all occasions:
Eid Fitr, Christmas, New Year, anniversaries, thank you gift, birthdays and so on
Comprised solely of the most premium treats from our best-seller cereals or cookies

Share and enjoy delicious MISOL cookies during Lunar New Year celebration with your Family
We provide 3 (three) varieties of elegant cookies hampers, lavishly packed and consist of our signature best-seller cookies.
Cookies Hampers
“Cookies are happy, because that is their job. Making those you know, and don't know happy. They tell people you care.” — Brent M. Jones
white hamper
red hamper
GOLD hamper
Lidah Kucing
Sweet Puffs
Almond Crisp
Gouda Crisp
Lidah Kucing
Sweet Puffs
Almond Crackers
Cheese Bites
Dark Choco Puffs
Double Cheese Puffs
Lidah Kucing
Sweet Puffs

For further enquiries or to make purchase:
Visit our online store "Misol Pastry & Bakery" in the following marketplace: Tokopedia or Shopee
Visit our instagram for product information and direct purchase
Whatsapp +62-818-750-178 for direct purchase, large quantity or pre-order